
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Great Timing

My post about spontaneity could not have been better timed if I had planned it, because nothing about this evening's run went according to plan.

And I was 100% fine with it!

I was scheduled to meet Prabir at our usual time and in our usual spot for a 5 mile run. It had been raining off and on all afternoon and it wasn't clear whether we'd get rained out or not. Prabir ended up being caught up in a meeting at the last minute, so I offered to meet him at his work instead of at the Y as usual.

While I waited for Prabir to appear, I snapped a few photos.

Guess where? It'll be a Richmond Rave at some point.

Because we were starting in a completely new location, I had nothing planned when it came to route, so we just started running using the beep of the Garmin as it ticked off the miles as our guide. We decided early on to do just 4 miles, and we got there in a round-about way.

It was pretty cold tonight , but I enjoy a cold run. It was fun to mix it up and start somewhere new. And as always, Prabir had plenty of predicaments that he needed to talk out as we ran. I played my usual role of bitchy therapist.

Now we are watching GMU take on HOFSTRA. Mason in particular is finding the game very stimulating.

We're down by 1 point at the half. I think I need some Oreos to deal with this stress. HOFSTA is a 2-11 team!


  1. Your dog is so cute!! Just letting you know that I tagged your blog at michiganfitmom to receive a versatile blogger award.

    Have a great day!!

    1. Thanks so much! For reading and for the nomination. I'm honored. My husband is a huge Michigan fan (so I am by default).
