
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Italy in 25 Pictures

Ciao! I am still alive (yay!) and back in the U.S. (boo!). Jet lag and some surprise deadlines when I arrived back at work on Monday have been wreaking havoc on me for the past fews days, hence the long-delayed return to the blog. I know you guys were desperately awaiting my return, right? (Ha!).

I could write an entire book about our time in Italy. To put it simply: I did not want to come back. Ever.

Here is a selection of 25 of the 1,100 photos that we took over the 13 days we were there. 

Our apartment in Rome was just a few blocks from the Coliseum,
making it the most-photographed object during our trip.

The Oculus inside of the Pantheon

Husband leaving our apartment in Rome

The first of many, many, MANY gelato breaks.

Tossing my coin into the Trevi Fountain

Self-timer portrait with the Coliseum
(not too shabby if I do say so myself)

I became a true cappuccino addict while in Italy.
It was bad. Very bad.
The withdrawl is worse though.

Mount Vesuvius still glowers over poor Pompei

A brief stop in beautiful (but terrifying to get to) Positano.

Husband + Duomo

Fancy cappuccino in Florence

Florence Framed

On top of the Duomo

I don't think I have to tell you what this is

Top of the Leaning Tower

Gondola sighting + Rialto Bridge in Venice

The Grand Canal is just gorgeous.

Nice work on this photo, Husband. 

Twilight Gondola ride

THIS is the life.

And then the water came - this is St. Mark's Square, water flooding
in on day 2 in Venice.

From the famous Bridge of Sighs

How I felt about leaving.

The most "runner-like" behavior that I engaged in
for the duration of the trip.

One last shot of Florence, our favorite spot,
from atop the Duomo.
It's very hard for me to believe it's over, but don't worry... I'm already plotting my next trip (don't tell Husband).


  1. Great photos of what appears to have been a pretty fantastic vacation. I’m not sure exactly why, but the coin tossing photo seems super American in a “That Girl” kind of way. And by the time “Husband” is taking your picture standing on that bridge, you’ve gone full Euro. Glad you had fun. Welcome back to RVA. As far as I can tell, you didn’t miss a thing. Happy Thursday.

    1. I think that is one of the best compliments I have ever received. The end goal was to "blend in" and sounds like I just might have gotten the hang of it.


      And you're right... I didn't miss a thing (well... except for my dog and savory breakfast).
