
Monday, July 8, 2013

Richmond Marathon Training Take 2 - Week 5

Last week, I started my training report by whining about how it is always raining on Mondays and ruining my morning run plans. Without fail, it was pouring rain yet again this morning. I didn't even realize it was raining until after  I had slathered myself with sunscreen. Figures.

Also without fail, here is my marathon training report:

4 runs for 23.3 miles
No cross training (bad)

Running miles logged so far: 92.3

This week was a little bit wonky because of the holiday, and as you can see I broke one of my big rules and ended up running not only 2 days back-to-back, but THREE. Cross training just didn't happen, though I did my usual combo of planks, stretches, and crunches every night.

Training highlights:
  • A perfectly executed progressive speed work run completed on Monday.
  • A real tempo run on Wednesday, as opposed to the usual, "Let's just run fast."
  • Placed 3rd in my age group at the Patriots 5k on July 4th.
I placed first in "stupid jumping pictures."
  • Survived the first double-digit run of this training cycle: a solo 10 miler on Friday. No music, no company... just me, my crazy thoughts, and an overall average pace of 8:47.
Ten miles of SWEAT.

Training lowlights:
  • Not exactly a "lowlight", but I really missed running with Team Navy this week. I was out of town on Saturday and had to get the 10 miler in by myself on Friday morning. It made me wonder how in the world I did those weeks of marathon training (take 1) by myself last year.
  • My mind was on my foot this week. It hasn't been hurting but I have been aware of it... and the more I think about it, the more I think it feels funny. During the ten-miler, I opted to run four laps on the dreaded vita course just in case  something went terribly wrong and I needed assistance. Honestly, I think the whole thing is 50% mental and 50% the fact that my foot swells at the drop of a hat these days and I think the discomfort is more from the foot swelling in my shoe than from anything else.
  • Breaking the rules and running three days in a row. It just happened that way, ok? I was scared about it (there's the mental part of my foot discomfort), and luckily it was fine, but I will not be making a habit of it.

This week I vow to add my cross training back in and am looking forward to 11 miles with Team Navy on Saturday!


  1. You ran an 8:47 pace on your long run? You’re out of control. But at least you didn’t run out of water 7 miles into your long run and still 2 miles from your house. I know a guy that did that on Saturday while running 40 seconds slower than you. He wasn’t happy with himself. Take care of that foot Speedy. Happy training.

    1. Yes, "out of control" is exactly right! I'm supposed to be running 9:20s for long runs... I started out better than usual with 3 miles of 9:00s then hit the vita course and boredom caused me to speed up dramatically.

      Saturday was bruuuuuutal. Virtual high five to you for finishing - I lucked out and had overcast skies on Friday, so my accomplishment isn't that great. ;)

      PS We seriously need a Richmond rendezvous on the calendar!

  2. Yes, Speedy! I'm gonna make you run with me next Saturday just to slow you down. And now I'm channeling you because my foot feels funny too.

    1. It's all in your head, I'm telling you! I'll stop talking about it then you won't think about it and we'll both be fine.

      You might have to get one of those kid leashes for me and literally tether me to you. I think it's the only thing that will work! Or a choke chain. LoL.
