
Monday, July 7, 2014

The Road to Steamtown - Week 5

... otherwise known as the week of novel experiences.

3 runs for 21.8 miles
Spin class, guesstimating 15 miles

Running miles logged so far: 231.4
STLY: 192

Training highlights:
  • Miserably humid run on Wednesday led to my first ever #fullonBarch run. Let me explain: running buddy GB is one to take off his shirt when it gets too hot and sweaty, a practice that our group/team has taken to calling the "Full On Barch" which basically just means running without your shirt. I have never been brave enough to do so, mainly out of concern that my neon pale skin tone will blind other runners, causing a safety hazard. For whatever reason, I got over it this week. I'm also happy to report that it didn't cause any accidents.
  • Participated in my first ever Spin class with Katie on Thursday night. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about spin (the dark room, excessively loud music, and sweaty people remind me of some kind of underground club or cult a la the beginning of The Matrix), but it was definitely a work out.
  • MTT polled the Saturday runners and ended up moving the long run to Friday this week because of the holiday - which was awesome for me because it meant I could run with the team instead of doing 10 solo up in Hagerstown.
Training lowlights:
  • Mysterious random foot pain continues to plague me. It is very similar to what I experienced in the week leading up to the Raleigh Marathon, so I am not panicking about it... yet.
  • I once again failed to incorporate two days of cardio cross training. I don't understand why it has been so hard for me to get my groove on when it comes to this.

I was hoping that two days off from running over the weekend, along with ice and flat shoes in lieu of heels would help my foot feel better but alas, it's still bothering me today. Against my better judgment, I went out and did my scheduled Monday speed work this morning. I wouldn't say it made my foot feel worse but I would say that it was incredibly difficult - probably thanks to a food hangover from the weekend festivities. Needless to say, there was not any kind of proper "fueling" going on July 4, 5, or 6. At any rate, I'm going to forgo Wednesday's tempo for an easy 7 miler and cross my fingers that things feel better in time for Saturday.

I'll close with a few pictures from the Salute to Independence at Antietam Battlefield - which is my most favorite way to spend the 4th of July. We have gone in thunderstorms, in 100+ degree heat waves, and on just plain old hot, sticky days. But this year, the weather was absolutely picture perfect, making for a transcendental experience. The orchestra sounded beautiful, the big guns were back to lend their booms to the 1812 Overture after an absence last year thanks to the stupid sequester, and the mountains were appropriately purple as the sun set.

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