
Monday, November 4, 2013

Richmond Marathon Training Take 2 - Week 22

And so the taper begins.

3 runs for 25 miles
1 mile swimming

Running miles logged so far: 531

On the road with the Team during Saturday's training run.
Kit's perfect "raise the roof" pose is killing me.

Had to throw this one in there as proof that
I can laugh at/am not ashamed of my
bad running photos.

Training highlights:

  • ::Crickets:: This week kind of just was.
  • I did just remember that during the team run on Saturday, the normal "group" was running together when we got caught up in some other team traffic (we were really bunched on Saturday and even ended up running into the half marathon training team too). As we were going down Grace Street, another runner behind me said, "Just look at her stride. It looks effortless - like she could run forever."  I turned my head and said, "Uh... you aren't talking about me are you???" He said, "Yeah I am! You look great!" To which I responded, "Yeah right! I promise you I can't run forever." Really, I was pretty flattered but sincerely doubt that I look like I'm floating along when I'm running. It still made my day though.
  • Greg and I also scored two great "That's what she said!" moments from Kit. I wish I could remember what they were, but unfortuantely I forget 95% of what happens during training runs. I can assure you they were hilarious. We also discussed how wonderful the "f" word is  and practiced how we would use it as we ran through the last 4 miles of the marathon route - much to the dismay of some half marathon training team folks that were running near us at the time. We really can be a bunch of idiots sometimes when we are out there, but hey, whatever gets you through, right?

Training lowlights:
  • I was almost taken out one of the seed pods/fruit of a magnolia tree on Wednesday morning, during the last .10 of our 8 mile run. I stepped right on it, causing my left foot to roll to the outside (the broken side). Those things are hard as rocks and so was the sidewalk as my footbones ground against it. Thankfully, it was a bit sore the next day but has resolved itself. Of all the random things to happen in the last weeks of training...

Gold star of the week:

  • Coach Shawn for his excellent showing at the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon this past Saturday! This was his 10th marathon - what an incredible achievement! I have really loved getting to know Shawn during this training cycle and admire not only his resilience and running acumen, but also his genuine care for all of us on Team Navy. And he's kinda a fun guy to hang out with, I guess. ;-) Additionally, we share a love of Pop Tarts, McDonald's, and a baked potato and steak as the perfect pre-long-run meal, so that makes him that much  cooler. Congratulations, Shawn!!!

  • My running buddy Katie, who completed the New York City Marathon with a sub-4:00 yesterday. I tracked her the entire time and found myself cheering her along as she kept perfect pacing and ran a great race. Even Husband got into it. You go girl! So proud!

For the next two weeks I am moving to 1 cross training session a week but maintaining by Run Less Run Faster speed work and mid week tempo runs. 

Saturday is the last MTT training run. I am trying not to think about it because when I do, I get really upset. And no, I'm not just saying that. 

In other news, I'm running a marathon in 12 days.

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