
Monday, June 17, 2013

Richmond Marathon Training Take 2 - Week 2

It's Monday and I was forced to abandon my outdoor training run for the treadmill thanks to rain, so I'm not in the mood to come up with a chirpy introduction. 

3 runs for 18 miles
21 miles on the bike (those 11's are actually 10.5 each... Daily Mile is silly and rounds everything up)

Running miles logged so far: 33

Training highlights:

  • Finally meeting thatguywiththebeard in real life and running a 5 miler with him in Virginia Beach on Wednesday, ending with a jump into the pool to cool down.
  • Perfect weather for this week's MTT group run and being (wo)man enough to hang with the fastest pace group of our team. When we subdivided out into the smaller pace groups, I immediately noticed that it was 7 dudes and only myself and one other chick who self-selected into the sub-9:00 group. What's up with that?
  • Successfully convinced RunJillyBean to join Team Navy. Woo hoo!

Training lowlights:

  • None!

Right now it's looking like another awesome weather day for our Saturday MTT run, so I'm really looking forward to that. 

My hand is pretty much 100% healed now, so I might hit the mat for some hatha yoga on Thursday too. 

AND I'm super excited to give my new Oiselle Distance Shorts a test run! I've been eyeing them for months (literally) and finally bit the bullet last week, ordering up a pair in the "poppy" color. Based on my preliminary try on at home, I have a feeling I may soon have an Oiselle Monster to feed (much to the chagrin of the Lululemon Monster).


  1. Kathryn! Don't know if you remember me but I ran with you and the MTT clan one time before your Italy trip. Hope you're doing well and I hope to meet up with y'all sometime to run again!
    Emma @ a mom runs this town . com

    1. Of course I remember you! I'd love to run again too - I'm doing mornings now - not sure how that works for you. Let's try to figure something out though - shoot me an email or friend me on FB (I liked your page so you'll be able to find me among your fans!).

  2. I'm so happy I let you twist my arm in to joining Navy. I even got the team email last night, so I guess I'm official. Are you biking inside or out?
